Read: 12/19/07-1/29/08
Librarything tags: Mystery, Africa, Sonderbook (click here for Sondy's review)
I'd been forgetting to check my books to see which ones Sondy had reviewed. I rectified this a bit by going back and tagging recent reviews with "Sonderbook" on librarything.
This is a very charming book. It's almost just a collection of short stories -- large and small mysteries Mma Precious Ramotswe (of Botswana) solves -- but they are connected to each other, albeit some more loosely than others. It had a sort of homey feel, as though the stories and characters reminded me of someone or something in my own life, only I couldn't quite put my finger on what or who. The closest I could come up with was MK stories I've heard, but that didn't seem quite right. Perhaps it is only similar to some long forgotten books I've read. At any rate, quite a good, satisfying, wholesome read.
"We were the Bechuanaland Protectorate then, and the British ran our country, to protect us from the Boers (or that is what they said)... ...But some of them were clever, and while the British said 'You do this,' they would say 'Yes, yes, sir, I will do that' and all the time, behind their backs, they did the other thing or they just pretended to do something. So for many years, nothing at all happened. It was a good system of government, because most people want nothing to happen. That is the problem with goverments these days. They want to do things all the time; they are always very busy thinking of what things they can do next. That is not what people want. People want to be left alone to look after their cattle." -Obed Ramotswe
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