Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mild Burns and Automotive Air Conditioning (With Many Parenthetical Explanations [Or at Least One Multi-Layered Parentheses {Slightly Inspired by Robin McKinley's Blog "*with footnotes"}])

You know how when you have a mild burn (or a not-so-mild one that's a little older and healing), after you've already held it under cold water for a while you can do other things and carry on with your life for a time without holding ice to it or putting it under cold water again, but eventually it hurts more and the pain grows and grows until finally you go to the sink?  Or something like that?  Well, it turns out that, for mild burns at least (How mild, you ask?  Well, instead of burning your hand or arm on a freakishly hot pan or other metallic something, you just poured near-boiling hot water [or to be slightly more accurate, tea] on it. That is all. [For a better idea of how near-boiling it was, here's the {entirely theoretical, of course} sequence of events: You boil water in a kettle. When it's ready, you turn off the burner and pour the water into a teapot with a tea bag inside. Then, directly after that second step, you pour the tea onto your hand. {And no, don't ask me how one manages to do that accidentally when the tea hasn't steeped and it's not yet time to pour yourself a nice cup -- I'm not going to tell you.}]), your car's air conditioning works almost as well. A good thing too, because holding a cold water bottle on your hand is a little awkward to do while driving. But all you have to do is turn on the air, hold your burn directly in front of the vent, and voila, it feels as good as if the air were water. I'm not sure the effects last as long, but that might just be because of the general warmth of the car, or the direct light of the sun, or some such.

That is all.

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